  1. Psuedo Radical

From the recording Psuedo Radical

Live from Jackpot Studios (Unmixed and Unmastered)


Pseudo Radical

It seems to me you’re trying too hard to be a leader. Do you find it odd that it’s difficult to find believers? Well, maybe it would help if you knew what you were talking about. But then maybe you are just a fool who thinks that being radical is just cool.

Well expectation is ignorance with an ego and you don’t have to follow through with what they think they know. You only pigeon hole yourself therefore you choose it. You’d better figure out your shit before you lose it.

It seems like nobody can hold their ground for too long. Especially if there’s no reason why they’re holding on. When they just do it just to prove that they are someone. Well, what the hell are you trying to prove now, well come on.

Don’t you see that this is a total twist of individuality? These defenses are giving away all of your silly insecurities, and you are in them up to your knees. Do me a favor and save yourself please because we’re not into hating somebody because of category.

These cliché clicks with memberships are fucking stupid. I’ve got your membership right here so fucking use it. And maybe you might think that I am asking for it… well, I am.

And I’m not going anywhere so come and get it. You never had the fucking balls to ever say shit to my face but I’ve heard it in all of the right places. There’s nothing worse than an ugly bitch with two faces.

Don’t you see that this is a total twist of individuality? These defenses are giving away all of your silly insecurities, and you are in them up to your knees. And I’m still saving myself from these but we’re not into hating somebody just because of insecurities.